Reach your healthy, comfortable, 

sustainable weight.

Losing weight isn't easy. But when you do it right, it's worth it.

What we teach

The More Heart Method: a Lifestyle Transformation Process.

Let go of the emotional barriers that keep you from reaching your healthy weight.

Learn how to nourish your body with real food for energy, resilience, and longevity.

Uncover your metabolic roadblocks and heal your metabolism so the weight comes off naturally.

Learn how to intentionally create a life you love rather than staying stuck in default-mode.

Redefine your relationship with your body by focusing on natural movement— mobility, strength, and flexibility.

Dieting is not a way of life. Living is.

The More Heart Method is a “small steps” lifestyle transformation approach that will help you finally step off the dieting roller coaster and step into a life (and body) you love.  

Now is your time

The end of dieting starts here.

We know that dieting doesn't work.

Dieting and ‘quick-fix’ weight loss regimens don't work. Research has proven that restrictive calorie dieting dysregulates your metabolism and makes it harder to keep the weight off in the long run, especially as you age.

The only way to reach and maintain your healthy weight is to make lasting lifestyle changes.

We know the deeper causes of emotional eating.

Love, belonging, and connection are critical to our wellbeing. Most of us never got the unconditional love we needed and are trapped in limiting patterns of shame and guilt.

The journey to healing your heart is not always easy, but it’s the only way to to be free of emotional eating and lose the weight for good.

We know how to heal metabolic ­roadblocks.

We now know a lot more about how our metabolism works than we did even 10 years ago.

The More Heart weight loss approach is a functional-medicine-based methodology specifically designed to help you uncover and heal the root causes of your broken metabolism, which helps you restore your healthy weight— naturally.

Christy Brennand &
Dr. avery Carpenter

Well, hello.

We're Christy & Dr. Carpenter, the creators of More Heart, Less Body.

We opened enrollment for our first mentor-guided program in 2017. It was nine months long. Since it was our first time offering the program, we honestly weren't sure what to expect. We knew what we were teaching would work because we'd both been helping people get healthy and lose weight for years, but we didn't know if anyone would want to stick around for nearly a year to go through the program. No other weight loss program offered that kind long-term support and guidance.  

We had over 40 women enroll in the first program. We taught them everything we know. We saw them weekly and spent hours on live coaching calls and inside our private member's group. We taught them about shame and guilt. They learned how to fix metabolic roadblocks heal their metabolism. We gave them practical tools, things like what to eat and how to cook. We showed them how to incorporate natural conditioning movements into their lives so they would be more physically resilient, stronger, and capable of doing more of the activities they love. 

We also worked on the psychology and spiritual aspects of health. We dove deep into human behavior and taught them how to create healthy rituals and break bad habits.

We inspired them to keep going when times got tough, and guided them the whole way as they learned how to become healthier, happier versions of themselves. 

And to our surprise and delight, almost all of the women who joined were still journeying with us at the end of those 9 months. Many had seen remarkable transformations.

In every mentor-guided program since then, the women who join us have been courageous— and scared. They all are tired of dieting but they know that another "diet" isn't going to solve the problem. They are ready to change their lives, but deep down, they are also afraid. Afraid of trying something new because nothing else has worked. Afraid of failing, again.  

But despite that fear, or maybe because of it, they show up and are willing to open themselves up to the vulnerability of an unknown experience. They do the difficult work of looking at how their lifestyles, their relationships, and their beliefs have all contributed to their struggles with weight.

And then something remarkable happens. Because they are finally willing to look into those dark places, because they are wanting to heal from the inside out, because they trust in a slow-and-steady process, they start feeling better. Their beliefs about their worthiness shift. They learn how to do new things that support their health goals. They gain self-confidence. They remember that they are worth taking care of. And then the weight comes off.  

It's been an incredible honor for us to guide (and witness) the journeys of these beautiful women who were bold enough to step outside their comfort zone and try something new. 

If you're new to the More Heart world, we're glad you're here. We hope to guide and inspire you on your journey to a healthier, happier life.

Member Stories

Transformational experiences...


Class of 2018

I realized that, for the first time in my life, I am truly content with who I am.


Class of 2017

I would say that More Heart is a way of learning your worth and your value that will affect everything in your life including your weight loss and how you see yourself and how you see others.